There are different addresses associated with your Lingo account.
If you need to change your main business address (your business moved to another location), follow these steps:
Log into your Lingo account. Then on the menu bar at the top, go to “Administration” > “Account Information” > “General”. You can change your address here, and then click “Save Information”.
If you need to change a “Ship To”, “Remit To”, “Warehouse Address” or other similar type addresses, follow these steps:
Log into your Lingo account. Then on the menu bar at the top, go to “Administration” > “Account Information” > “Account Addresses”. If you are changing an already existing address, click “Edit” then make the changes and click “Save”. You can also create a new address and click “Add New Address”. Fill in the appropriate information (not every field must be filled in) and click “Save”.